Season finale

Finally I get to pick up the pen and write again, it has been a minute. My last engagement on this page was in 2018 and it was the only blog that I wrote on this page. Today I felt quite inspired to write and of course what more can I write about other than my life. The last time I wrote about my journey through life particularly about being a student and I gave a little glimpse into my childhood and adolescent years and how those years shaped me into the person that I’m today. I also highlighted my struggles in university and how I was going to combat them. Now you must be wondering was she able to overcome the struggle of medical school or was she knocked out completely? Well if I was knocked out completely I wouldn’t be writing this blog right now, therefore I’m still very alive and kicking.

In 2018 I was in 4th year of medical school and apart from first year of medical school fouth year is usually considered the easiest compared to the other years of medical school. (Well in my university).

Gym is the secrete…

I woke up in the morning and decided to go to the gym, after a long period of not going there and of leading an unfit life. Somehow this day reminded me of my childhood and how happy I was then. Growing up I was a very active child, I was involved in school plays, the choir, I danced and I was very athletic. I could play any sport that involved a ball be it soccer, netball or volleyball however my favorite sport was volleyball. Me and my friends used to walk to the stadium everyday to play volleyball. The stadium was quite far from were I lived however regardless of the distance my commitment and my love for the sport kept me going back for more.

Just like most people moving from one stage of development to another comes with a lot of change. From the change in physical appearance to starting a new school, that is high school and meeting new people from different walks of life can have a massive impact on anyone especially if you are trying to navigate your way through life as a teenager. My high school memories are bitter sweet because I lost most of the traits I possessed as a child however losing some of them contributed to me becoming a better person. My high school was more focused on academics than extracurricular activities, therefore I had to sacrifice most of my hobbies especially sports.

In grade nine I started going to church often, from Monday to Sunday and I started reading the bible intensely. This allowed me to have a personal encounter with God and it changed my perspective about life. Going to church helped me to make wise decisions about my life and it empowered me stick to my decisions and to never be pressured into doing what I deemed wrong. Apart from academics this kept me busy and made me happy until my parents decided to intervene. In grade ten I stopped attending church as much as I did because my parents did not like the idea of me attending a different church from theirs. This had an impact on me because I retreated from being active to being dormant. I started spending a lot of time alone and the only thing that kept me sane was my academics.

Fast forward to university, I started university in 2015 and I was excited about starting my new life away from home and from my parents. First year was the best because I was surrounded by friends who inspired and motivated me a lot both spiritually and academically. I did not have any life apart from my academics and my spiritual life however I was happy regardless. My second and my third years at university were the worst of my university experience. In second year my marks started dropping tremendously and my spiritual life reached rock bottom. I was also indecisive about what I had chosen to study, I wanted to give up and go back home however I did not want to disappoint my family. In third year I convinced myself that I was going to do better academically however it only got worse including the financial burden that comes with university. I felt like I did not have a purpose in life , this depressed me.

I’m currently doing my fourth at university and I’m two years away from becoming a doctor. This makes me anxious because I’m not ready to become a doctor however it also motivates me to become a better vision of myself. What I have learnt from the past three years is:

  1. Life does not always turn out how we expect and sometimes its okay to loss your grip and  fall as long as you get up.
  2. Nothing in life comes easy, in order to achieve what you desire you have to make sacrifices.
  3. To never give up on self, nothing great was ever achieved overnight.
  4. To forgive myself and accept my mistakes those are the first steps of healing.

You must be thinking, what does going to gym have to do with your life story? To answer that question, going to gym made me realize that I have been living my life on autopilot. That is I have been living an unfulfilled life that I have no control over and this has allowed what I do not want to come into my life. Therefore going to gym will help me to get my life on track and to live the purposeful life that I have always dreamt of.

Quote of the day:

“You may either choose to sleep on yourself or wake up and smell the coffee either way if you are given another day to live consider yourself blessed.”